A happy recipient carrying her family's system home!
The distribution took place in Kamwezi sub-county in Rukiga district – a newly formed district that was recently separated from Kabale district This district is in the mountainous areas of South-Western Uganda bordering with Rwanda. Kamwezi has a total of 22 protected springs to serve a population of 28,221. Of these water points only 18 are currently functional. Water from these points is not treated and hence unsafe for consumption.
The distribution, at the Kamwezi sub-county HQ, was carried out over three days, observing the Standard Operating Procedures given by the Ministry of Health as regards Covid-19. During this distribution a total of 125 families benefited. The distribution took three days with 25 beneficiaries attending workshops each morning and afternoon in order to maintain the required social distancing. Among the beneficiaries were the village leaders, Health Centre 2, a local school and a church. The AYA members were very helpful in identification and sensitization of the beneficiaries, making the necessary holes in the Lifewater system buckets, registration, and training of the beneficiaries. We are grateful for this enthusiastic and able support team.
Rukiga AYA team members setting up the systems for distribution
Rukiga AYA team
The Chairperson, Local council 3, and various village leaders took part in the distribution.
The Chairperson, who was a former Lifewater beneficiary, testified to the others present the importance and effectiveness of the Lifewater systems they had received. He said he has had his system for four years and it was giving him no challenges. He promised to offer some days to help with carrying out monitoring to ensure that this Project is successful and expressed a desire for an opportunity for Lifewater provision to be extended even to other village members.
The local council 5 chairperson encouraged the beneficiaries to drink plenty of water as water is life. He requested that they use their Lifewater systems well so that even more people are able to benefit in the future. He promised to give the organization all the support they need to run their work in his District.